Dear friends,
Did you know that in Lebanon today, to buy bread for your children, you sometimes have to sell your books ? That the current economic war is starving families already terribly afflicted by years of conflict ? That the new confinement of Laos aggravates a misery whose first victims are the youngest?
Pierre, Maya, Hôku are only twelve and thirteen years old and they knock on the door of our centres because they are hungry. Our humanitarian response, distributed by our local teams, comforts them but only education will lift them out of poverty tomorrow.
In thirty years of existence, thanks to you, we have helped and educated one million five hundred thousand children, as you will read in the document we are sending you to thank you for your generosity and loyalty. "I don't forget what Mission Enfance did for my family and me in my youth, testifies Rima Khatchatrian. In my country, Armenia, through the Miassine foundation, I am now working to create a better world for future generations".
Seeds of hope have been sown. Victories are being reaped. So, with us, don't let hunger stand in the way of these children's futures. Together, let us give Pierre, Maya and Hôku bread and a classroom !
Please accept, dear friends, my deepest gratitude.
Monaco, 17 May 2021
Domitille Lagourgue
Director of Mission Enfance
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