Association MIR
Solidary store :
"L'épicerie de Marie" offers a service for all residents of Nice to sell food, hygiene and maintenance products at very low prices. It aims to be a place of hospitality and support where conviviality, social ties and the orientation or meeting of social partners can be built.
Samu Soup :
In Nice, the association MIR distributes all year long meals in the street to people in great precariousness (homeless, poor workers, elderly people...). Twice a week (Saturdays and Mondays), during the winter period and four times a week for the rest of the year.
Reception centres :
For 26 years now, MIR has been welcoming every year several hundreds of people in difficult living conditions trying to get out of their situation.
Social and solidarity grocery of Marie opening hours :
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday : 9-12 a.m and 3-5 p.m.
Wednesday : 9-12 a.m.
Closed on Wednesday afternoons, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
To contact them :
3 rue Séguran
06300 NICE
Tel : +33 (0)4 93 54 96 59
Abi 06
ABI06 aims to reintegrate people in great social difficulty.
ABI 06 must therefore fight against exclusion on a daily basis, with the aim of reintegrating people in great difficulty through economic activity, without any discrimination.
You can deposit your donations :
- directly to the Contes workshop,
- in their containers (to find the nearest drop-off point : in the section: “ OU DONNER ")
To contact them :
375 chemin de la Roseyre - 06390 CONTES
Tel : +33 (0)4 92 00 16 60
Mission Enfance brings help in kind to families in precarious situations and to migrants.